
Make the world a better and more efficient place by using the latest technologies

About Me
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About Me
just a few words to describe myself

Always positive and eager to learn. I guess those two are my most defining attributes. And which better to always be forced to keep on learning and improving than technology. I love to learn new coding languages, solve new and challenging problems and improve the world around me by doing my small part. Working in a very organized and structured way helps me to tackle problems which might seem too big at the beginning. The urge to accomplish more today than yesterday, the discipline to keep going and commitment to solve every problem I'm facing, is the power engine which allows me to keep growing every day.

Some of my interests besides coding are:
Fitness ● Music Production ● Traveling ● Investments ● Real Estate

stroll through the digital garden of my work

Since I'm highly interested in various fields and technologies, I develop all sorts of applications. Either to improve the efficiency of a workout or to find beautiful spots in the nature, everything is possible. So please go ahead and have a closer look at some the projects I worked on.

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